Understanding the Penalties: A Guide to Disc Golf Rules Violations

Understanding the Penalties: A Guide to Disc Golf Rules Violations

One of the most common rules violations in disc golf is going out of bounds. When a player’s disc rests outside the designated course boundaries, they incur a one-stroke penalty and must play their next shot from where the disc went out of bounds. To avoid going out of bounds, players must pay close attention…

From Putters to Drivers: A Comprehensive Guide to Choosing the Right Disc for Your Game

From Putters to Drivers: A Comprehensive Guide to Choosing the Right Disc for Your Game

Disc golfers often carry a range of discs in their bags. The three primary types of discs are putters, mid-range, and drivers. Understanding the differences between these types can help you choose the right disc for your throw. Putters are the slowest and most accurate discs. They are designed to fly straight and true, making…

The Mindset for Winning: Strategies for Staying Focused and Confident on the Course

The Mindset for Winning: Strategies for Staying Focused and Confident on the Course

Disc golf is more than just a physical game. It’s also a mental one. The way you think on the course can have a significant impact on your performance. A positive attitude can help you stay focused, make better decisions, and maintain confidence even when things aren’t going your way. Positive thinking means focusing on…